Wednesday, February 22, 2017

eat healthy food #1

      The first thing to do to get a healthy body is by eat healthy food.

       1) monitor your calories! -
You gain calories from foods and it provides you energy for your bodily functions and activities for the whole day. If you consume too many calories you may run the risk of gaining weight. If you do not gain enough calories you may lose weight. You may need to calculate how many calories you eat daily and change to match your body's needs and to maintain a healthy weight. Use an online calculator or smartphone app to find out how many calories your body needs daily. Track calories to see if your current diet meets your needs.
      2) eat a well balance diet ! -
A balanced diet means that you consume foods from each food group in the food pyramid for each meal you take. In addition, you should consume a variety of foods within each food group. Having a wide variety of foods from food groups will allow you to consume a variety of different nutrients. Lastly, a balanced diet means eating the right portions or servings of each food. If you eat mostly protein foods but very few fruits or vegetables, your diet isn't balanced. 

              3) go for lean protien source
some of the examples of lean protein sources are poultry, eggs, seafood, lean beef, nuts and beans. Lean protein sources are low in fat and calories. This will helps you get in good amounts each day without going over your daily calorie limit. Consuming good amounts of protein has also been associated with a general healthy body. Some of these includes better management of your appetite and a healthy weight, support healthy cholesterol levels and better management of diabetes.

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