Tuesday, February 7, 2017


                                            hei ! welcome to my blog!

my name is Umar and you can call me Maq
This gonna be my first post about how to have a healthy life style!
You wanna know? stay tuned :)

        Before we start on anything, let me introduce to you a bit bout myself. As i said above, my name is Umar Hafeez Bin Ahmad Fauzi. i'm 25 years old this year and i'm a semester 4 English Major student in KUPTM KL. i'm from Penang but had lived in KL for 4 years since my diploma life which is also in KUPTM KL.

        So, first of all, let me introduce to you the main objective of my blog. My main objective is to share with everyone on how to stay healthy in your life. How do you want to have a healthy life style in the same time with your daily routine activity. And what should you do to maintain a healthy body in the future.
      You should know that to have a healthy body, it is not only about the activities only. it is also about your daily food intake and many more. there are lots of things that you should consider think and get used of it to have a healthy body when you get old in the future.

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