Monday, April 3, 2017

Having Healthy Body With Exercising #3

Move more throughout the day!

To add to both strength training and cardiovascular exercise, it is also important to just move more throughout the day and include more base activity like walking, jumping or even just warming up our body. Although these types of activities cant burn so much calories, they also have a significant amount of positive health side effects. We cant have a healthy body with just only laying around on our bed right? There are no one who spend their time on their bed more than moving around in a day can have a healthy body.

  • Baseline activities are refered to any exercise or activity that you do on a regular basis. This could be yard work or household chores, taking the stairs or walking throughout the day.
  • There have been studies that show that after even one or two hours of sitting there are negative side effects including reduced blood flow, decreased calorie burn and more difficulty manage chronic conditions (like high blood pressure or diabetes).
  • In addition to just moving more, some health experts even recommend getting up for just a few minutes about every hour.

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