Thursday, March 23, 2017

having healthy body with exercising #2

cardiovascular exercise is important. Yes! But let us not forget that strength exercises are also as important as any other exercises too. Training your body strength will improves your body immunity and your health. These activities will help you to build and support muscle mass in addition to providing other health benefits. Strength training and adding muscles can even increase your metabolism and help you lose weight to have a better body shape and health.

  • Regular strength training have many benefits other than building stronger muscles. 
  • Regular weight-using exercise helps decrease your risk of osteoporosis by making your bones stronger and denser.
  • Experts recommend doing about two days of strength training each week. It's important to work every major muscle group including: arms, chest, back, core and legs
  • Lift free weights, use weight machines or do weight-less activities like yoga.
  • Separate each strength training day by at least one day of rest to all your muscles to recover and repair efficiently.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

having healthy body with exercising


     yes that's true! Cardiovascular exercises are a very important thing for a healthy lifestyle and healthy body. Other that having a good diet, exercise plays a major role to have a healthy body.
  • There are a big amount of health advantages associated with standard and consistent exercise. 
  • Some of them includes improving mood, improves sleep quality, improves circulation, helps management of healthy weight, decreases blood pressure and risk for stroke, controls cholesterol levels, boosts energy and can help improve your self image.
  • Health experts recommends getting at least 150 minutes of cardio activity each week. the easier way is with having exercise 30 minutes 5 times a week. 
  • You can also increase benefits by getting 300 minutes of aerobic activity each week (or one hour five times a week).
  • there are lots of activities that we can includes each week. Exercises that you can try includes walking, jogging/running, dancing, swimming, aerobics classes, biking or hiking.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

eat healthy food #2

~ok so now let us continue what we had left last week~

    4)Make most of your meals consist of fruit or vegetable
Fruits and vegetables are two of the most important food groups in the pyramid. These foods contain the highest amount of vitamins and minerals. High amounts of fruits and vegetables in the diet have been suggested with a lots of beneficial effects on your health such as decreased blood pressure, better management of blood sugar and diabetes and decreased risk of stroke and heart disease. Another thing to note about fruits and vegetables is that each color of vegetable or fruit contains different types of beneficial nutrients.

    5) Limit junk foods and processed foods
Most health experts suggested that limits the intake of processed foods or junk foods. Although they may not be the most nutritious choice, the occasional treat is appropriate. Choose wisely when you're eating more pastry items. Foods like chips, crackers, sweetened beverages, frozen meals, fast food, pastries or sweets shouldn't be a daily occurrence. There are plenty of foods that are still considered very healthy and nutritious yet are still considered "processed.". Some items like canned vegetables, frozen vegetables and fruit, pre washed lettuce and salad greens, and dairy products are ok to take.

    6) Drink adequate amounts of water
If you do not consume enough water each day, you will run the risk of being dehydratedMost adults need at least eight 8-oz glasses of hydrating fluids daily. If you are physically active or perspire a lot during the day or during physical activity, you'll need to replace the fluid lost in addition to your regular daily intake. Consume caffeine-free and sugar-free beverages, as they are the healthiest and most hydrating drinks. Dehydration has many negative side effects like from very minimal issues to more serious health effects. Some includes fatigue, mental fogginess, headaches, mood swings, kidney stones and urinary tract infections. so do drink lots of water everyday okay? ;)